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Approved General Education Courses for Online Programs
General Education
This elective may be fulfilled by approved courses within the Humanities and Fine Arts, Natural Science, Math, Technology, History, Social Science disciplines or STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). Restrictions may apply to some majors. General education electives must meet the University's general education guidelines.
The list of approved general education courses for online programs is published online: https://www.liberty.edu/casas/general-education/gen-ed-electives/
General Education Requirements for Out of State Students
In addition to Liberty University’s general education requirements, distance education students may also be required to fulfill additional requirements set by their home states. Details by state will be added to the Degree Completion Plan. Specific Degree Completion Plans for each state whose requirements differ are available from Liberty University Online Advising.
Course ListCodeTitleHours
Communication & Information Literacy
ENGL 101 Composition and Rhetoric
Communication Electives
COMS 101 Speech Communication
BUSI 300 Business Communication
ENGR 270 Technical Communication
GLST 220 Intercultural Communication and Engagement
Information Literacy Electives
ARTS 209 Art as Communication
BUSI 201 Intermediate Business Computer Applications
CSIS 100 Introduction to Information Sciences and Systems
CSIS 110 Introduction to Computer Science
CSIS 111 Introduction to Programming Using C++
ENGL 102 Composition and Literature
ENGL 103 Technical Communication for the Professions
GEOG 200 Introduction to Geography
HIEU 201 History of Western Civilization I
HIEU 202 History of Western Civilization II
HIUS 221 Survey of American History I
HIUS 222 Survey of American History II
HIUS 341 History of American Politics
HIUS 360 History of American Entrepreneurship
HIUS 380 Modern American Military History
HIWD 370 Comparative Civilization
WRSP 101 Introduction to Worship Studies
HFA – Humanities/Fine Arts
For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level courses from the following disciplines that meet General Education Guidelines: COMS, JOUR, SCOM, and STCO
SBS – Social/Behavioral Sciences
For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level courses from the following disciplines that meet General Education Guidelines: GEOG, HIEU, HIUS, HIST, and HIWD
ARTS 209 Art as Communication (3 c.h.) is required for BFA degree
NSM – Natural Science/Mathematics
Course ListCodeTitleHoursTechnological Solutions & Quantitative ReasoningUNIV 104Instructional Technology for Successful Online Learning 13Math Electives 2MATH 114Quantitative Reasoning 33MATH 115Mathematics for Liberal Arts 33MATH 117Elements of Mathematics 33MATH 121College Algebra 33MATH 128Elementary Functions and Coordinate Geometry 34MATH 131Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 34MATH 132Calculus and Analytic Geometry II 34MATH 201Introduction to Probability and Statistics 33MATH 211Introduction to Statistical Analysis 33MATH 217Elementary Geometry 33
HFA – Humanities/Fine Arts
MATH transfer credit (1XX-4XX) may only be considered through the course substitution process
NSM – Natural Science/Mathematics
Course ListCodeTitleHoursCritical ThinkingRLGN 105Introduction to Biblical Worldview 1,52Critical Thinking Electives 2ARTS 105Art Appreciation 1,3,43ARTS 20520th-21st Century Art 13ARTS 214Art, Culture, and Technology 13BUSI 205Introduction to Business Research Methods 13ENGL 201American Literature I 13ENGL 202American Literature II 13ENGL 216English Literature II 13ENGL 221World Literature I 13ETHC 101Introduction to Ethics 13ETHC 205Ethical Reflections on Human Life 13PHIL 201Philosophy and Contemporary Ideas 13PHIL 240Christian Evidences 13
HFA – Humanities/Fine Arts
For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level PHIL courses that meet General Education Guidelines
ARTS 105 Art Appreciation (3 c.h.) is required for BFA degree
ARTS 105 Art Appreciation (3 c.h.) may be used to fulfill the Critical Thinking or Cultural Studies elective, not both
Required for DIVINITY Majors
Course ListCodeTitleHoursCivic & Global EngagementEVAN 101Evangelism and the Christian Life 52Cultural Studies Electives 1ARTS 105Art Appreciation 2,33CSTU 101Western Culture 23CSTU 220The African American Experience 23GLST 290Cultural Anthropology 23GOVT 200Constitutional Government and Free Enterprise 43GOVT 220American Government 43MUSC 103Music Appreciation 23RLGN 210Introduction to Cultural Engagement 23
For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level courses from the following disciplines that meet General Education Guidelines: ANTH, CARA, CESL, CGRM, CFRE, CHIN, CHND, CSMA, CSPA, CSTU, FREN, GLST, GOVT, GREK, GRMN, HBRW, MLAN, RUSS, and SPAN
HFA – Humanities/Fine Arts
ARTS 105 Art Appreciation (3 c.h.) may be used to fulfill the Critical Thinking or Cultural Studies elective, not both
SBS – Social/Behavioral Sciences
Required for DIVINITY Majors
Course ListCodeTitleHoursSocial & Scientific InquirySocial Science Electives 1BUSI 223Personal Finance 23BUSI 240Organizational Behavior & Management 33ECON 110Survey of Economics 23ECON 213Principles of Microeconomics 23ECON 214Principles of Macroeconomics 23HLTH 252Drugs in Society 33PSYC 101General Psychology 33PSYC 210Developmental Psychology 33SOCI 200Introduction to Sociology 33SOCI 201Social Problems 33Natural Science Electives 4BIOL 101Principles of Biology 23BIOL 102Principles of Human Biology 23BIOL 103Principles of Biology Laboratory 21ETHC 210Science and Society 23NASC 210Science and Society 23PHSC 121Introduction to Astronomy 23PHSC 122Elements of Astronomy Lab 21PHSC 210Elements of Earth Science 23PHSC 211Elements of Earth Science Lab 21PHYS 101Elements of Physics 23PHYS 103Elements of Physics Lab 21PHYS 201General Physics I 24PHYS 201LGeneral Physics Lab I 20PHYS 231University Physics I 24
For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level courses from the following disciplines that meet General Education Guidelines: ECON, PSYC, and SOCI
NSM – Natural Science/Mathematics
SBS – Social/Behavioral Sciences
For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level courses from the following disciplines that meet General Education Guidelines: BIOL, CHEM, ENVR, NASC, PHSC, and PHYS
Course ListCodeTitleHoursChristianity & ContextsFor LUO Non-Religion MajorsBIBL 104Survey of Old and New Testament 14THEO 104Introduction to Theology Survey 14For LUO Religion MajorsBIBL 105Old Testament Survey 12BIBL 110New Testament Survey 12THEO 201Theology Survey I 12THEO 202Theology Survey II 12